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THCA Disclaimer

All products containing THCA will not ship to states in which it is illegal.

This policy will be rigorously adhered to by any and all companies and websites under HerbalXchange, LLC and Naturally Balanced, LLC.

Sometimes all we want is simplicity, and to enjoy chocolate. That’s why we’re proud to introduce the Delta 9 THC and HHC Single Serve Chocolates.

Each individual chocolate is wrapped in a convenient, on-the-go package. Made with premium ingredients and fair trade chocolate, this chocolate gives you all the satisfaction of cannabinoids while pampering your taste buds.

A nostalgic flavor boasting with sweet, sugary flavor and the spice of cinnamon.

Single Serving (10 MG D9 | 15 MG HHC)



Sometimes all we want is simplicity, and to enjoy chocolate. That’s why we’re proud to introduce the Delta 9 THC and HHC Single Serve Chocolates.

Each individual chocolate is wrapped in a convenient, on-the-go package. Made with premium ingredients and fair trade chocolate, this chocolate gives you all the satisfaction of cannabinoids while pampering your taste buds with 4 delectable flavors; Orange Cream, Cinnamon Toast, Toffee, and Strawberry Shortcake.

Cinnamon Toast:   A nostalgic flavor boasting with sweet, sugary flavor and the spice of cinnamon.

We love chocolate and all products made with cocoa. We also love chocolate that is certified Fair Trade. The harvesting of cacao can be problematic for both the growers and the environment. Cocoa Horizons purpose is to improve the livelihood of cocoa farmers and their communities through the promotion of sustainable, entrepreneurial farming, improved productivity, and community development, which protects nature and children. This is why we choose Cocoa Horizon’s chocolate. Chocolate that is not sourced ethically contributes to poverty, deforestation, gender inequality, child labor, and forced labor.

4.8 grams white chocolate | .2 grams cinnamon toast crunch

Ingredients:  White Chocolate (Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Whole Milk Powder, Soy Lecithin, Vanilla Extract) Sunflower Lecithin Whole grain wheat, sugar, rice flour, rice bran and or canola oil, fructose, maltodextrin. Dextrose, salt, cinnamon, trisodium phosphate, soy, lectine, caramel color, BHT added to preserve freshness.

D9:HHC Single Serve Chocolate

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